Stock items may be returned within 30 days from receiving them for a full refund or exchange minus shipping. Custom orders will be charged 20% for restocking. Sale and clearance items are not returnable. Factory damaged goods will be repaired or replaced. WORN, WASHED or DAMAGED items ar enot returnable. Customer shall be responsible for shipping on returns and exchanges. Shipping cost on factory damaged goods shall be paid by Max & Molly Wear.
Send returns to:
Max & Molly Wear
2120 N Ronald Reagan Blvd, Suite 1116
Longwood, FL 32750
Put a note with your return explaining the purpose. Example "I would like a refund on the enclosed pants" or "I would like to exchange this for for that" etc. INCLUDE YOUR NAME & TEL #. We will call you upon receiving your return to confirm and process your request.